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    邮箱: qm.hu@siat.ac.cn


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胡庆茂(Hu Qingmao),工学博士,二级研究员、博士生导师、“集成技术”杂志执行主编。1990年9月获得华中科技大学工业自动化专业博士。历任第一军医大学全军医学图像重点实验室讲师/副教授/教授(1990-1996)、瑞士伯尔尼大学博士后4年(1996-2000)、新加坡科技局生物医学影像研究所副研究员/研究员/高级研究员(2000-2006), 2006年12月加入中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院。两次荣获全军科技进步二等奖、三次获得北美放射学会年会奖,多次担任国家自然科学奖信息学部的会评与函评专家、广东省科技奖信息及临床领域的会评及函评专家,以及国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、国家万人、国家青年千人评委等。长期承担深圳先进技术研究院的“数字图像处理”课程并以高标准严要求获得学生好评。

1.   基于多模态脑功能的针灸干预遗忘型轻度认知障碍的机制研究,深圳市基础研究布局(JCYJ20200109114816594),负责人,150万,2020.11-2023.11

2.   血管化仿生关节多细胞精准3D打印技术与装备的开发及应用,国家重点研发计划课题三(多细胞多材料仿生骨与软骨3D精准建模及柔性打印的软件研发,2018YFB1105603)负责人,215/1300万,2018.5—2021.4.

3.   面向人机协同的机器人智能制造感知与作业理论研究,NSFC-深圳机器人基础研究中心项目,同济大学牵头,93/310万,2018.1-2021.12.

4.   基于磁敏感加权图像和弥散加权成像的超急性期缺血性脑卒中影像分析研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目61671440,负责人,58万,2017.1-2020.12.

5.   虚拟手术仿真系统研究,深圳市基础研究布局项目 JCYJ20160331191401141,负责人,2016.6-2019.6.

6.   大脑胶质瘤的多模态图像智能分析与虚拟手术关键科学问题研究,国家自然科学基金-广东联合基金重点项目U1201257,负责人,270万,2013.1-2016.12.

7.   适于乡镇地区的低成本一体化多功能体检设备的研发与示范应用,国家科技支撑计划2008BAI65B21,北京航天中兴医疗系统有限公司共同牵头,202/650万元,2009.6-2012.5.

8.   脑卒中诊疗的医学图像分析关键技术研究,中国科学院百人计划,负责人,200万元,2009.1- 2011.12.

1.         Xu JP, Guo YY, Zhang JH, Li JY, Wang HY, Chen JX, Lyu HQ*, Hu QM*. Structural and functional trajectories of middle temporal gyrus sub-regions during life span: a potential biomarker of brain development and aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2022; 14: 799260.

2.         Xu JP, Guo YY, Li JY, Lv XY, Zhang JJ, Zhang JH, Hu QM*, Wang K*, Tian YH*. Progressive cortical and sub-cortical alterations in patients with anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis. Journal of Neurology 2022; 269: 389-98.

3.         Su LYL, Fu XJ, Hu QM*. Generative adversarial network based data augmentation and gender-last training strategy with application to bone age assessment. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2021; 212: 106456.

4.         Xu JP, Wang C, Xu ZY, Li T, Chen FF, Chen K, Gao JJ, Wang JJ*, Hu QM*. Specific functional connectivity patterns of middle temporal gyrus subregions on children and adults with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research  2020; 13: 410-22.

5.         Xu JP, Lyu HQ, Li T, Xu ZY, Fu XJ, Jia FC, Wang JJ*, Hu QM*. Delineating functional segregations of the human middle temporal gyrus with resting-state functional connectivity and coactivation patterns. Human Brain Mapping 2019; 40(18): 5159-71.

6.         Hu QM*, Xue J, Gao PY, Zheng HM. Mismatch between baseline diffusion-weighted images and apparent diffusion coefficient maps predicts favourable penumbra: a retrospective study. Lancet 2015; 386 (Supp 1): S37.

7.         Zhang XD, Luo SH, Jia FC, Liu GY, Hu QM*. A marker-based watershed method for X-ray image segmentation. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 2014; 113: 894-903.

8.         Zhou SJ, Chen WF*, Jia FC, Hu QM*, Xie YQ, Chen MY, Wu JH. Segmentation of brain magnetic resonance angiography images based on MAP-MRF with multi-pattern neighborhood system and approximation of regularization coefficient. Medical Image Analysis 2013; 17:1220-35.

9.         Hu QM*, Hou ZJ, Nowinski WL. Supervised range-constrained thresholding. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2006; 15(1): 228-40.

10.     Hu QM*, Qian GY, Nowinski WL. Fast connected-component labeling in three-dimensional binary images based on iterative recursion. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 2005; 99: 414-34.

11.     Hu QM*, Qian GY, Nowinski WL. Fast, accurate and automatic extraction of the modified Talairach cortical landmarks from MR images. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2005; 53(4): 970-6.

12.     Hu QM, Nowinski WL*. A rapid algorithm for robust and automatic extraction of the midsagittal plane of the human cerebrum from neuroimages based on local symmetry and outlier removal.  Neuroimage 2003; 20(4): 2154-66.

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